Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hatha Yoga, Yoga Teachers Training in Rishikesh, Anjaneya asana, Rajkapota asana, Pigeon pose, Ri

Patanjali International Yoga Foundation (PIYF) Dr Jitendra Das, India, Uttrakhanda, Himalaya, Tehri-Garhwal, Rishikesh, Luxmanjhula www.patanjaliyogafoundation.com ; www.yogatoday.ru ; piyft@yahoo.com PIYF was establish in Haridwar by Dr Jitendra Das and the board of PIYFand has its branch in Rishikesh, Uttrakhanda, India. The basic principal of Foundation is truth to the original source.Master follows the Ancient Yoga Style taken from Sanskrit books. Dr. Jitendra Das, the Founder President and the leading master of Foundation, has Gold Medal in Master Degree (MA) on the subject of Yoga, (PhD) Scientific Research on the topic of Patanjali Yoga and Ayurveda and Sanskrit Education in Gurukul Kangari University, Haridwar, Uttrakhanda, India. PIYF runs yoga seminars, workshops, lectures, Yoga Teachers Training Course (YTTC), Yoga-Ayurveda Therapy Courses (YATC) and certified educational programs in India and worldwide.


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Saturday, April 24, 2010

LA Health Action Collaborative Meeting Video 8

Welcome and Agenda Review Ron Hansen (Interim Director, LA Health Action) National Health Reform - The National Movement and the California Perspective Walter Zelman, PhD; E. Richard Brown, PhD Update on the State Budget and Prospects for Restoring Cuts to Health Programs Scott Graves, PhD Key Indicators of Health by Service Planning Area (SPA): How Does Los Angeles County Measure Up? Dr. Susie Baldwin


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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

911- Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD

Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, PhD, US Air Force (ret) -- Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter. US Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. (PhD in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering, Cal Tech). Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the US Air Force Institute of Technology. 22-year Air Force career. Also taught Mathematics and English at the University of Southern California, the University of Maryland, and Phillips University.


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Friday, April 16, 2010

Mi'raj (Part 8 of 7): summary.

Continued from Part 7 ... The Night Journey, Al-Isra wal-Miraj, is a key event in the revelation of the Prophet Muhammed (pbuh). The journey involved the Prophet being carried by Buraq, "an animal white and long, larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, who would place its hoof at a distance equal to the range of vision", from Mecca to Jerusalem, where he led the previous prophets and messengers of Islam in prayer. He then ascended through the heavens and spoke with particular prophets. At the pinnacle of his ascent, Allah (swt) gave him the instructions regarding the number of compulsory salat we must make as Muslims. Importantly, there are narrations in which the Prophet declared that this journey was a physical event, not a metaphysical vision. The majority of scholars in the past have agreed with this. However, it is also clear that, even amongst the Sahaba of the time, the miraculous, physical nature of this journey was cause for much debate. In this modern age, science and digital logic ground so much of our daily lives, we all unconsciously fall into a particular way of thinking about our psychological relation to reality. A kind of scientism is unavoidable, and Muslims are not immune to it: after all, both historically and recently, we have often played a central role in the development of the scientific world view. A surprising conclusion of the evening will hopefully be that a deeper understanding of the way in which we do science -- in fact, the way in ...


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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bruce M. Gale, Ph.D. - Learning, Understanding, Negotiating, Communicating, and Helping

Individuals with HFA, AS and related challenges often require treatment to help their social functioning, but just as frequently resist or avoid such intervention. Individual therapy is less than ideal, since an adult, a few to several times the age of the client, makes for a poor role model. This presentation will describe the LUNCH Groups program, where over 90% of students have reported they enjoy participating and three quarters of parents report meaningful improvement in child behavior. We will review the simple yet effective initial assessment process and cover program highlights, such as computer animation projects, three types of raffles that improve behavior, parent support components, behavior generalization, plus focus on eating and manners. The program's five core elements include: 1) Executive Functioning; 2) Pragmatic Social Skills; 3) Pragmatic Language Skills; 4) Academic Readiness; and 5) Environmental Awareness. Videos and case examples will supplement lecture material to illustrate these principles in practice. Bruce M. Gale, phd is a clinical psychologist who began working in autism in the mid-1970's. After graduating UCLA, he completed graduate training at Florida State University (1985) and was honored to present his research on self-injurious behavior at the First National Conference of Powerful Data-Based Systems for Treating Autism in 1980. He completed his internship and advanced fellowship at Boston Children's Hospital and was appointed as a ...


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Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Online Degrees" California Coast University 866-91-EDUCATE "Online Degrees"

California Coast University (CCU) 700 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 714.547.9625 1(888) CCU-UNIV 888-228-8648 info@calcoast.edu www.calcoast.edu Welcome to California Coast University! A pioneer in distance learning since its founding in 1973, the University provides degree completion programs designed for students whose geographic, professional, or personal time commitments keep them from completing their education in traditional on-campus programs. With undergraduate degree programs in Business Administration, Management, Psychology, Health Care Administration, Criminal Justice and graduate degree programs in Business Administration, Management, Education, and Psychology, the University provides students with the necessary tools, support and guidance to help them complete their degree programs, as rapidly as time and ability permits. If you desire to finish or to further your education, you owe it to yourself to contact our Admissions Department for further information on how California Coast University can help you reach your academic goals. California Coast University (CCU) 700 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 714.547.9625 1(888) CCU-UNIV 888-228-8648 info@calcoast.edu www.calcoast.edu


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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Yoga inversion, Sirsasana, Rajyoga, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Freedom Four Chaptor.

Patanjali Yoga International Foundation (PIYFT) Dr. Jitendra Das Indian Uttrakhanda, Himalay, Tehri - Garhwal, Rishikesh, Luxmanjhula PIYFT www.yogatoday.ru piyft@yahoo.com at Hardwar was founded by Dr. Jitendra Das and cost fields in Rishikesh,. Uttrakhanda India's main base of the true source of funds from the Style Master Yoga ancient Sanskrit books, Dr. Jitendra Das, president and founder of the first gold medal.(MA), Master in terms of yoga, (PhD) for scientific research on the topic Patanjali Yoga Ayurveda and Sanskrit studies Kangari Gurukul University, Hardwar, Uttrakhanda India PIYFT work yoga seminars lecture courses for teacher training and educational programs in India. and recognized around the world.


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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Distance Learning PhD Programs

Distance learning refers to self-paced learning at a convenient time and at a convenient place. Unlike the traditional method of learning, distance learning does not require a student to attend college or any educational institute. It targets students who have the potential and will to study, but lack the resources to do so. Through distance learning, colleges are able to reach out to a large number of students. A doctorate degree is the highest degree that is awarded after verifying a student?s mastery over a subject. It demonstrates a student's ability to perform and present erudite research. This creative research is known as the doctoral thesis or dissertation. Online PhD degree programs are usually more professional than academic in nature.

A number of universities offer custom designed PhD programs. Admission to a doctoral program is usually based on a student's educational record with a bachelor and master's degree. It usually demands a considerable amount of experience in the specific field. Some institutions do not insist on a master's degree, if a student demonstrates relevant proficiency. Universities offer PhD programs in a number of disciplines such as applied management, business management, human resources, psychology and medicine. Most universities grant tuition waivers and stipends for up to four years. There is usually no entrance exam. Students have access to online libraries that facilitates research in their areas of specialization.

Students that decide to enroll in distance learning PhD programs have several resources at their disposal. Some web sites serve as databases for available mba courses">online courses across the globe.

Modern lifestyles, the cost of living and working families dictate that individuals seeking post-professional education need educational options. People choose distance-learning programs for different reasons. Some of the factors that influence the decision regarding postgraduate programs include the perceived quality of the program, pre-requisites and delivery format.

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