Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A National Disgrace - The Education System and the Dumbing of America Part One

America is in serious trouble. Whenever a nation's educational system falters because of misplaced and often misguided learning-teaching goals, the whole country suffers. Maybe not today, but a couple of decades down the road it will be all too obvious. We will have a very heavy price to pay for the dumbing of America.

As an educator for forty years, I am concerned about current trends in the educating of our country's young. In 2007 (the year for which figures are available), there were 4,000 'charter schools' in the United States serving over one million students. Forty one states now have laws allowing charter schools according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Charter schools were created with less restrictions than regular schools. Why was it necessary to create a secondary system? If legal restrictions were the primary issue, why not just change the laws?

Early in the month, I came upon an article announcing the African American Charter School Administrators Association was bringing suit against one of the southern states. I have found this disturbing that there is such an organization. I thought we had gotten past the disgusting discrimination of the 1960's. Certainly, the existence of African American Charter Schools is blatant discrimination. Reversed discrimination? This raises the question of the real reason for the creation of charter schools to begin with. Are they created to perpetuate racial discrimination? Are they a way to circumnavigate both federal and state laws?

According to the June 2010 Associated Press, many of our schools are switching to a four day week. And this is not because of some deep philosophical approach to educating our young. It's to save money. What would be saved if the expensive sports programs were eliminated? How much did it cost to build the USS Gerald R. Ford Aircraft Carrier? In 2009, the estimated cost was $14,000,000,000, that's 14 billion. Think what could have been done with that money had it been spent on a viable national educational system.

Part two will deal with charter schools and unschooling.

Norman W Wilson, PhD

Thanks To : aviation accident attorney